Thursday 12 April 2012

A friend's first visit to Japan

A friend, Dawn Lintern, who is the lead singer in a band called Das Fluff ( is currently on tour in Tokyo and posted these wonderful first impressions of Japan on her Facebook page. I asked if I could share it here. If you've never been to Japan - this conjures up just the right image I think...
"Fish that's still jumping when it gets delivered to the restaurant, Geisha girls with slimy business men, cigarette smoke, cherry blossom, litter-free streets, teenage girls dressed like 5 year olds, courtesy, friendliness, modesty, non-agressive driving, orderly queues, Asahi, being treated like a pop goddess (for one night, at least), dogs in sunglasses, an insanely efficient transport service, soundchecks that run to schedule and the worst cover version of Karma Police ever. I don't want to go back to London."
I know how she feels! 

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